Stage 13 – Lining The Floor

As the base plywood is down and clean we are going to use the existing plywood base.

A few people do fit the lino after furniture has been fitted, however we feel it better to fit at this stage, as it gives a more professional finish when looking into bed seats and lockers that the floor flys right through. (Also although very slight it does add as a bit more insulation)

We cover the floor in 6mm raw plywood to give us a nicely finished top coat with a smooth finish. We then top this with lino flooring.

The only thing we have had to make here is a small box, as our kitchen will be flying over the door some of it will hang over the recess for the step. So all we have done is made a small box which sits in the step and helps supports the kitchen unit. We then make this floor level with the rest of the floor and cover with the 6mm plywood.

Fitting the 6mm floor plywood is pretty simple, all we do is cut to width of the van and scribe round any shapes & wheel arches in the way. We then fix this into position using staples.

Next step is to cut the lino roughly to size, then using our High Temp spray glue bond this down on top of the plywood. As you go simply cut to shape along the walls and round the wheel arches. (Nothing too special here just simply fit the lino to the plywood base best you can).