Now we have everything lined with our 6mm raw plywood we are ready to cut and fit the finished boarding
We have decided to use Balboa Wallboard, as it is a nice neutral colour that goes well with the woodgrains, it is also suitable for use in the shower room so we can use the same board everywhere on the van
So a similar process is used as with lining with raw plywood, however as this is the finished boarding we need to be a little more accurate.
As we have the roof as square to the base as possible, we can cut the boards to height, following the curve of the wall the height was 1905mm, we therefore cut the board to 1910mm hold it in position and scribe the top of the board to get a nice finish (See Photo 1)
We also scribed round anything in the way like the wheel arch and make sure it is cut as perfect as we can get it. We also make sure that we drill any holes for any wires than need to show through the board.

Next we put a even spread of Wurth Bond & Seal where the boards will be bonded and hold firmly into position. Making sure the beads of Bond & Seal are even to prevent any waves, apply pressure all over the board to make sure the board makes contact with the adhesive.

As the board shown is being fitted over a window so we need to cut round the window, as with he 6mm lining plywood we use the router for this. Because we have the sub frames already in place we simply take the router and trim the excess board away giving us a perfect finish

Finally making sure the board stays in position we staple where ever we can that will not be seen. So down the joints of the board (which will be covered by a joint trim) and round the window frame which will be covered with angle trim
Repeat this process down both sides of the van