Andaman Silk P1411 Wall Board (Pack of 4)



SKU: 4XM519 Category:


Packs of 4 available to order on-line due to postage charges

However if you require more or less then please give us a call on
01472 35 35 20 or e-mail

All our wallboards are 3mm light weight plywood with either paper or vinyl decorative finish on one side

Please note we only sell full sheets and are not able to get hold of any of the paper/vinyl only

Andaman Silk is a paper finish, it is a great neutral board and is fast becoming a popular with new conversions

Commonly used in static caravans also

This is a paper backed finish and is not suitable for use in shower rooms

A good board that goes with just about any wood grain so can used through our your van

Comes in 8ft x 4ft sheets (2440mm x 1220mm)

Approximate weight per sheet 5Kg

Please note it is hard to tell exact colours and patterns from the photos supplied, to be sure please contact us for samples before ordering


Because of the size of the boards they cannot be carried by just any courier, we have set price agreed with our couriers of £25.00 for up to 4 boards and £4 for every additional board

Please also note when parcelled these boards are put face together and the edges sealed with cardboards corners

It is uncommon for us to get damage on the boards however you may have ever so slight scuffs or marks on the edges of the boards, this is unpreventable however anything more than 2-3mm should be classed as damaged